Tramway Museum i Luxembourg

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LuxembourgTramway Museum



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63, Rue de Bouillon, 1248, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
kontakter telefon: +352 47 96 23 85
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Latitude: 49.5991176, Longitude: 6.1050962

kommentar 5

  • Daniele Masucci

    Daniele Masucci


    Original trams in perfect conditions. Ideal for a weekend activity with kids

  • Umang Shah

    Umang Shah


    Nice little place which demonstrates history of Tramway and busses. They have good little collection there which kids would enjoy a lot.

  • Kamil



    Very interesting museum, where kids can enter into old trams and buses. The museum is not very big. The parking on site is available. It is opened during weekends.

  • Chadresh Patel

    Chadresh Patel


    Perfect place to understand the history of Luxembourg public transportation. Entry is completely free. This place is not much famous and when we visited, there were only few visitors. It also contains train and bus coaches from old time and you can seat inside them for a while to have the feeling. you can also view tickets from different time. Very interesting place for 2-3 hours.

  • Vadzim Parshkou

    Vadzim Parshkou


    Very interesting museum with free entry. I was the only visitor! There are some old trams and buses in perfect condition. One can go also inside of some vehicles. A lot of old pictures and models. The museum was bigger and more interesting then I have expected.

nærmeste Museum

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