Hotel Du Commerce i Clervaux

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LuxembourgHotel Du Commerce


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2, Route de Marnach, 9709, Clervaux, Clervaux, LU Luxembourg
kontakter telefon: +352 92 10 32
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Latitude: 50.0539065, Longitude: 6.0294334

kommentar 5

  • Jonas Leenders

    Jonas Leenders


    Matress wasn't good, also they said breakfast was included but present a €24 extra charge in the morning for the breakfast...

  • Richard van Beukering

    Richard van Beukering


    Nice hotel, diner is good. Breakfast is common but good. Beds are very good, shower an toilet also good. Room is very clean.

  • cristina lumpan

    cristina lumpan


    Very nice hotel. It gave a romantic feeling even though we were traveling with our 6 old. Our dinner in the restaurant was a very nice experience. Excelent food served with elegance. All in all a place to re visit.

  • Juanita Declerck

    Juanita Declerck


    Had a nice stay there - ate well and it was very calm and restfull in the hotel.

  • Emina Babarović

    Emina Babarović


    The place is really nice and we enjoyed it very much. Excellent location to visit Belgian F1 grand prix, located close to Spa-Fracorchamps circuit with less crowd in that direction on highway. Owner and staff very friendly and helpful. Made to feel at home. Comfortable bed and good shower. Spacious and super clean room. Also, the food in the hotel restaurant was exceptional with an excellent selection of wines which makes it highly recommended.

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