Camping du Moulin Vianden i Vianden

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LuxembourgCamping du Moulin Vianden



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5, Route de Bettel, 9415, Vianden, Kanton Vianden, LU Luxembourg
kontakter telefon: +352 83 45 01
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.9269757, Longitude: 6.2208068

kommentar 5

  • Koen Martens

    Koen Martens


    This was a great HQ for the epic tours on our racing bikes through the beautiful hills of Luxembourg. The roads all look like they were constructed yesterday, the little traffic kept its distance and there are steep climbs as well as easy scenic routes nearby. Well recommended. The camping was well maintained (looks new), clean and the owners are enthusiastic and very friendly.

  • Ib Tornøe

    Ib Tornøe


    Very nice site. We got it recommended by some friends. Clean and all brand new facilities. Very nice, friendly and smiling hosts. We did not reserve but got at nice spot next to the river, really nice.

  • Robin Houwen

    Robin Houwen


    We found the camping via internet and luckily found out it had opened since one week! We arrive late in the night and because it was not very busy we could pick any spot we liked for our two tents. The camp site is very well maintained with large spots on well-leveled grass. We had 2 spots at the waterside and it was very idyllic! There are enough trees to have plenty of shades but also spots in the sun! Sanitary is clean and the shower is warm. Owners of the camping are very nice and happy to give tips about the neighbourhood. Vianden is a beautiful small town, definitely worth a visit :-)

  • fuzz ems

    fuzz ems


    Great camping with very friendly host. Opened again for public a week ago, and we were able to get a camp spot without reservation. Very clean and up to date sanitaire.

  • Imperial Guard

    Imperial Guard


    Very cool. Kanye

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