Camping Martbusch i Berdorf

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LuxembourgCamping Martbusch



🕗 åbningstider

3, Beim Martbusch, 6552, Berdorf, Kanton Echternach, LU Luxembourg
kontakter telefon: +352 79 05 45
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.825877, Longitude: 6.343495

kommentar 5

  • Arthur VH

    Arthur VH


    Nice and clean camping. The little pods are awesome to sleep in if you want a good night sleep while hiking the mullerthal trail in winter for example. If you take the little road next to the fire department, you can easily acces the trail in a few 100 m. The showers are very clean and the people were very hospitable. The pods aren't that big if you like a lot of space but ideal for hikers.

  • Martijn Schenning

    Martijn Schenning


    Nice campsite, good atmosphere. Sadly enough we had to move to a new spot even though we pitched our tent on a NON reserved spot. Disappointing to be placed between the fixed holiday homes.

  • Christian Diaz

    Christian Diaz


    Great camping near the climbing spot... Unfortunately the campsite spot is ridiculous small. That's why I give 3 stars. Otherwise would be 5.

  • Bogi Steingrund

    Bogi Steingrund


    Great service. Friendly staff. Clean and neat in every aspect. Only back draw is not grass everywhere for tents.

  • Andrew Reay

    Andrew Reay


    Awesome location. Right on the walking, trails and short walk from climbing and biking routes too. Some variation in facilities, but decent on the whole. Welcome was a little less than awesome, and site was apparently 'full' with loads of empty pitches before we'd even asked to stay a night. Sorted in the end though. Great value and fantastic opportunities to get out into the local countryside. Recommended.

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