Camping Auf Kengert i Larochette

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LuxembourgCamping Auf Kengert



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1, OP KENGERT, 7633, Larochette, Diekirch, LU Luxembourg
kontakter telefon: +352 83 71 86
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.7998494, Longitude: 6.198137

kommentar 5

  • Mary Cornforth

    Mary Cornforth


    What a beautiful place. Beautiful site. Fantastic facilities lovely staff and well stocked shop but most impressive the restaurant on site. Easily 5 star food and service Fantastic. Loved every minute of being ther.e Thank you

  • Mary Cornforth

    Mary Cornforth


    Lovely campsite in the wood's. Great shop restaurant and bar. Beautiful people. Great facilities.

  • Tessa van Oostrum

    Tessa van Oostrum


    The camping is nice and the spots are quite decent, there are sufficient trees and shade. The toilets and showers are clean. However, the service is just bad and it's quite expensive. By check in, they were quite rude and once when we ordered something from the kitchen (on time), and we came back to pick it up, they told us the kitchen was closed and we couldn't get our food, even though we already paid for the food and placed the order on time. Furthermore, the price for two adults extra (two are included) is outrageous. It is cheaper to pay for two separate spots, than for two 18+ extra. Edit: The camping contacted us with regards to the invoice, since apparently they made a mistake and charged us a too high amount of money. The contact was very smooth and they have solved the issue decently and fast.

  • 박태규



    It was a good stay. The staff was kind. It was enough to do camping and have a stay. The swimming pool was fine and it had a nice playground next to camping area.

  • Roel K

    Roel K


    Great if you have kids, no entertainment but plenty to do. There are baby and kids showers, various playgrounds, pool, trails, sport fields, ... Also they serve dinner; tasty, good portions and quite cheap. Sanitary is clean. Mullerthal trail runs next to the campsite. This camping keeps surprising me.

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