Camping Officiel i Echternach

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LuxembourgCamping Officiel


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21, Op Troo, 6495, Echternach, Echternach, LU Luxembourg
kontakter telefon: +352 72 02 72
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Latitude: 49.8154157, Longitude: 6.409412

kommentar 5

  • Evelien Van Landeghem

    Evelien Van Landeghem


    Friendly people, clean showers and toilets, enough space to relax, beautiful neighbourhood, a nice place to start the Mullerthal trail (also very nice!) 🙏😊

  • Gina Hayes

    Gina Hayes


    Good site, friendly welcome

  • veronica de boer

    veronica de boer


    If you don't rely on Sat nav then you might locate this steep hillside site! Good facilities and 10 min walk into Echternach and across old bridge into Germany.

  • Anand kumar Agrawal

    Anand kumar Agrawal


    Awesome experience

  • Patrick Loonstra

    Patrick Loonstra


    Large and fine camping. We stayed for a couple of days on the field on the north-west end. Special for small tents. Near the showers and toilets, and the longest sunspot of the whole camping. With the car no problem, walking is a bit harder. The hills are very steep there. The center of Echternach is a 15 minute walk, downhill. Great city to do shopping.

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