Il Destino i Strassen

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LuxembourgIl Destino



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196, Route d'Arlon, 8010, Strassen, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
kontakter telefon: +352 26 31 16 88
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.6212962, Longitude: 6.066211

kommentar 5

  • Daniel Rasqui

    Daniel Rasqui


    excellent food and wine. Interesting menu...ans very important open on Sundays

  • Jean-Claude Reichling

    Jean-Claude Reichling


    I just love it, the Chef knows how to do it, cook it and last but least , fresh’re looking for a simple but very good italian, this is it!!!

  • Marc Davies

    Marc Davies


    Great food and friendly staff. Menu lacks small side dishes for people who want a small bite next to their main, but that's about my only criticism. The price is about average for Luxembourg, which is to say a drink, a pizza, and a coffee will come in just over 20 euros. A bit expensive by my tastes, but par for the course around here. Room is open back to front , which is a relief on hot days, but I can see why it would get too cold on chilly days.

  • Levy Duivenvoorden

    Levy Duivenvoorden


    The food was great. They have a large variety of meals on the menu. A lot to choose from, even for a vegetarien like me. The prices are great compared to the quality. And above al the restaurant is clean and very guest-friendly.

  • Sheelagh O'Connor

    Sheelagh O'Connor


    Fantastic food & service. Only complaint is it always feels cold in here.

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