Sushi Shop i Luxembourg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LuxembourgSushi Shop



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11, Avenue Monterey, 2163, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luxemburgo
kontakter telefon: +352 27 04 57
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.6108635, Longitude: 6.1284627

kommentar 5

  • fr

    jc langlais


    Rien à dire si ce n'est que ce fut rapide, efficace, créatif et excellent. Bravo.

  • Richard B.

    Richard B.


    Great place to have sushi in the city. The price is OK (but better deal for lunch) and the quality is great.

  • Jörgen Fredriksson

    Jörgen Fredriksson


    Late delivery. Good sushi, but not per/€

  • en

    Jackie Bre


    We order sushi regularly, meaning that the phone ‘should’ be linked to the address as the procedure is always the same. Nevertheless, often my sushi goes to a different address. When call to complain, the lady was arguing with me that I confirmed the wrong address. 1. Shouldn’t the phone be linked to the address as I am a regular customer? 2. They offer the option to speak English however the person on the phone doesn’t. 3. I try to inform that my order also came in completely mess, that we can eat the sushi with spoon. However, who cares?! On top of it: aww Madame! We have 300 orders today, what can I do? Was not even interested in listening the customer! To finalize: NEVER AGAIN! Shops with this kind of customer service doesn’t deserve my money!

  • jr bc

    jr bc


    Está bien para tomar unas cervezas.

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