Parc naturel régional de Lorraine i Pont-à-Mousson

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LuxembourgParc naturel régional de Lorraine


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54700 Pont-à-Mousson, France
kontakter telefon: +33 3 83 81 67 67
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Latitude: 48.9075065, Longitude: 6.0564219

kommentar 5

  • Suresh Panwar

    Suresh Panwar


    Loved the place been nice..

  • David Bruton

    David Bruton


    Picture is us travelling back north through France. We stopped at the services. Whilst I am sure, looking at the surrounding countryside, that the Parc De Lorraine is lovely the motorway services are anything but. Old, tired and one of the worst we stopped at during our trip to Switzerland. Surprisingly the baguette counter produced some lovely hand crafted food at a fair price. All the seating and tables were pretty decrepit and probably best not to mention the state of the toilets!!!

  • Bostjan Zorko

    Bostjan Zorko


    Sami bregi

  • Ap Pieters

    Ap Pieters


    We walked through the park following the gr5 trail. We found it a nice mixture of wide views and quiet forest.

  • Christine Turner

    Christine Turner


    Enjoyed the area. The information boards were excellent. We saw many different species of birds.

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