Skol Bar Hôtel & Brasserie Restaurant i Strassen

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LuxembourgSkol Bar Hôtel & Brasserie Restaurant



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268, Route d'Arlon, 8010, Strassen, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
kontakter telefon: +352 31 13 60
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Latitude: 49.622296, Longitude: 6.056136

kommentar 5

  • domagoj Buden

    domagoj Buden


    Don’t waste your money it will be an absolute disaster!! They have a bar that stays open until 1am, then all the drunk people hang out in front of the hotel and it’s extremely noisy. Air conditioning doesn’t work so its +7394 Celsius in the room which makes it impossible to sleep. Sound isolation is horrible and you can hear people snoring two rooms away! We had to leave the hotel at 2am to go to another hotel because we couldn’t sleep!! Plus it costs the same as the Hilton which is on a different level. The manager is never there and no one is working on reception after a certain hour. When we came to check out and complain, we had to speak to the bar manager, not the hotel manager, who we could only speak to over the phone. The manager then proceeded to tell us that we could have cancelled a day before free of charge, but that is not the point! We didn’t know it was going to be so awful until we arrived. Please, please don’t waste your money on this place!

  • John Hill

    John Hill


    Loved the food very much indeed. Great place to have lunch with business partners. Thank you for the great experience. Till next time

  • Frits Tem

    Frits Tem


    I'm laying in the noisy bed as i am typing this review. Yes, the street is very busy and gives alot of noise, yes the bar down below which obviously is of more of importence to them is very noisy until late in the night. Yes at 7 in the morning a "cooler truck" parks infront of the door with motor running for 15 min+ while supplying the hotel. Our room has a 1.40m wide bed and just enough room to walk around it... Last point of anoyance, it's can you not speak a word of english???? We didn't eat our breakfast and lunch here since we simply couldn't talk a word with those ppl. C'mon, your in the branche of getting ppl looks to me as if you rather keep them out.

  • Helena Vukic

    Helena Vukic


    Stayed here for one night for a business trip. At the check-in I got no further information about breakfast time and location, wifi etc. Also they not asked me if they can help with the luggage. My room was over the bar, so I couldn't sleep due to the loud music and noises... And I had an important meeting at the next day. Wouldn't recommend it.

  • Michel Bonvoisin

    Michel Bonvoisin


    Nice place to drink a glass or for a lunch. Service could be faster. Hotel rooms are very nice.

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