Hôtel-Restaurant Beim Schlass de Wiltz

LuxembourgHôtel-Restaurant Beim Schlass


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

1, Grand-Rue, 9530, Wiltz, Wiltz, LU Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 95 80 18
site web: www.beimschlass.lu
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.9661064, Longitude: 5.9375329

commentaires 5

  • Nilesh Tailor

    Nilesh Tailor


    A great hotel and restaurant with easy reach of routes for motorbike rides. Ample parking space. Good situation for other restaurants.

  • Franco Moreno

    Franco Moreno


    The hotel is located in the City of Wiltz. It has modern rooms with an elegant touch. Beds are big and comfortable. The room has a flat screen tv with cable connexion with many channels in different languages. Breakfast & Parking included on the rate.

  • Jürg Thomann

    Jürg Thomann


    Nice clean hotel. Excellent food. Recently refurbished.

  • Marco Shinn

    Marco Shinn


    Everything just perfect. Restaurant, Personal, Rooms, Location just as it should be! Number ONE in Wiltz!

  • Karin Schartz

    Karin Schartz


    The Hotel is modern in greys, blacks and whites, elegant, but still retains its feeling of warmth. Nice rooms, comfortable beds, very clean. But most of all, great Staff! Friendly, very helpful, informative. Especially the Manager Gabi. Nice breakfast! We had dinner twice in their restaurant and we were impressed. The food was absolutely delicious. The hotel is right next to the castle (as the name says). 2 museums inside, beer - very fun, and WW2- interesting. The town is quaint with beautiful views. We would love to return and stay a while longer.

Lodging la plus proche

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