Montallegro Restaurant - Pizzeria de Parc Housen

LuxembourgMontallegro Restaurant - Pizzeria



🕗 horaire

1, Parc, 9836 Parc Housen, Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 24 51 99 57
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.993144, Longitude: 6.097157

commentaires 5

  • Patrick Humbert

    Patrick Humbert


    Top Service

  • Wiebe Nauta

    Wiebe Nauta


    Located in / next to the swimming pool. Very good pizzas and pastas.

  • Manfredi Bianchi

    Manfredi Bianchi


    Excellent food (pizza), kind and efficient service, spacy ambiente

  • Patrick vd Heide

    Patrick vd Heide


    Strange place for an Italian restaurant! It's located next to an indoor swimming pool inside a sportcomplex. The restaurant itself is to bright lit for my taste. In my picture you can see the awkward lighting setup. The food itself was tastfull, but the meat in the burger was red for the most part. We had to wait for almost an hour until dinner was served. I think they forgot us and they came by to say sorry (in French, knowing we don't speak French at all...) The price was resenable, but if you like a romantic/traditional dinner setting: please look somewhere else.

  • Trish Blue

    Trish Blue


    Awesome restaurant, the pizza dough is perfect, the pizzas and pastas are too. As for the service: kind, patient and forthcoming. Best Pizzeria in the North, imho.

Restaurant la plus proche

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