Hôtel Restaurant Lamy i Troisvierges

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LuxembourgHôtel Restaurant Lamy



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51, Rue d'Asselborn, 9907, Troisvierges, Clervaux, LU Luxembourg
kontakter telefon: +352 99 80 41
internet side: www.lamy.restaurant
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Latitude: 50.113737, Longitude: 5.988235

kommentar 5

  • Sandy Gale

    Sandy Gale


    Just stopped in the testy for a quick bite while waiting for a friend. Ordered American cheeseburger (substituted the sauce for mayo) it’s was hot, messy and delicious. Would go back to try other things off the menu.

  • Rik Demaerel

    Rik Demaerel


    Super charming hotel. Old style and far away from the hipster minimalism that takes over tourism. Have a wonderful calzone in the irish pub with half a liter of luxemburger beer. Only thing that could have been better: breakfast (even though there was plenty of coffee). But thats a detail.

  • Rob E

    Rob E


    Great food, professional staff. Been here 3 times and was always great!

  • Marc Lorang

    Marc Lorang


    The largest selection of pizza. Friendly service. On weekdays there is also a daily menu. The menu is less interesting for vegetarians. There is only pizza.

  • my travelisso

    my travelisso


    Very traditionnal hotel in the middle of nowhere. The room furnished with very old-style and solid furniture. Friendly and flexible personnel (stayed very late for my arrival). Nice bar with good selection of beers - open very late if needed:) But breakfast - described on Booking as very good - definitely disappointing. And free parking on place.

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