Hotel St. Fiacre i Buerschent

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LuxembourgHotel St. Fiacre



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4, Groussgaass, 9140, Buerschent, Dikrech, LU Luxembourg
kontakter telefon: +352 99 00 23
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Latitude: 49.9072222, Longitude: 6.0605556

kommentar 5

  • Ramy Rezkalla

    Ramy Rezkalla


    I love this place. The staff is very nice people. Loved the location and the view from my room. Very nice restaurants with classy service. Thank you Pascale. I hope to see you again

  • Mark Pulles

    Mark Pulles


    We stayed here 3 day as centre hotel while traveling on motorbike in the area. Very nice people, very welcome feeling. Nice rooms with airco and a lovely bathroom. Besides curtains also blinds so the room is dark, cool and quiet.

  • Peter Brown

    Peter Brown


    A lovely hotel with lovely surroundings, great food and very friendly staff

  • Lennart Weerts

    Lennart Weerts


    Good, spacious, clean and modern hotel with excellent dining and breakfast.

  • Gerrit van der Luijt

    Gerrit van der Luijt


    Hotel St. Fiacre was a very pleasant surprise to us! A locked and dry garage is available for motorbikes. The rooms are comfortable and clean. The staff is very friendly and hospitable. The food is especially excellent! Highly recommended!

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