Casino Luxembourg - Forum d'Art Contemporain de Luxembourg

LuxembourgCasino Luxembourg - Forum d'Art Contemporain



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41, Rue Notre Dame, 2240, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 22 50 45
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plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.6097866, Longitude: 6.1271402

commentaires 5

  • Tomas Atli Einarsson

    Tomas Atli Einarsson


    good but it’s not a casino

  • Graham Gibbs

    Graham Gibbs


    Free museum with great contemporary art and views of the city. Why wouldn’t you go?

  • Paul Tasker

    Paul Tasker


    There was only one exhibit on and it was not available in English. Usually better as 2 other exhibitions were closed.

  • Reuben Cook

    Reuben Cook


    Fantastic gallery. I loved the current exhibition, I dreamed I was a house. Great facilities

  • Cheryl J

    Cheryl J


    Cool small art museum. Free WiFi and bathrooms. I liked the exhibition I also love that I was free. I recommend at least stopping in. They have some virtual reality stuff. They also have a cafe if you're interested in a snack and some drinks. Everyone was helpful and nice. I'd go back in the future. The film festival was cool too.

la plus proche

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ATMAgence d'assuranceAgence de voyageAgence immobiliĂšreAlimentsAllĂ©e de bowlingAmbassadeAnimalerieAquariumAvocatAĂ©roportBanqueBarBibliothĂšqueBijouterieBlanchisserieBoulangerieBoĂźte de nuitBureau de posteBureau du gouvernementCafĂ©CampingCampingCaserne de pompiersCasinoCentres commerciauxCimetiĂšreCinĂ©maColloque zoneComptabilitĂ©ConcessionnaireDentisteDocteurEntrepreneur en toitureEntrepreneur gĂ©nĂ©ralEntreprise de dĂ©mĂ©nagementEspace de rangementFinancerFleuristeGalerie d'artGareGrand magasinGymHĂŽpitalLave-AutoLibrairieLieu de culteLivraison de repasLocalitĂ©Location de filmLocation de voitureLodgingMagasinMagasin d'alcoolMagasin d'Ă©lectroniqueMagasin de chaussuresMagasin de commoditĂ©Magasin de matĂ©rielMagasin de meublesMagasin de vĂ©losMagasin de vĂȘtementsMairieMaison du mondeMaison funĂ©raireMosquĂ©eMusĂ©eNiveau administratif niveau 1Niveau administratif niveau 2Niveau de sublocalitĂ© 1Offre de sous-locationParcParc d'attractionsParkingPeintrePharmaciePhysiothĂ©rapeutePlombierPoint d'intĂ©rĂȘtPolicePolitiquePrĂ©misseQuartierRepas Ă  emporterRestaurantRouteRĂ©paration automobileSPASalon de beautĂ©SantĂ©SerrurierSoin des cheveuxSoins vĂ©tĂ©rinairesStadeStation de busStation de taxiStation de transitStation essenceStation ferroviaire lĂ©gĂšreSupermarchĂ©SynagogueTribunalUn aspect naturelUniversitĂ©ZooÉcoleÉgliseÉlectricienÉpicerie ou supermarchéÉtablissement