Grand Duke Jean Museum of Modern Art de Luxemburg

LuxembourgGrand Duke Jean Museum of Modern Art



🕗 horaire

3, Park Drai Eechelen, 1499, Luxemburg, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 45 37 85 1
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.6170946, Longitude: 6.1403368

commentaires 5

  • Sebastian Eriksson

    Sebastian Eriksson


    Nice building with interesting exhibitions. Unfortunately one of the bigger ones was changing while I was there (and thus unavailable) but still worth the 8 euro or whatever I paid!

  • Jon Flynn

    Jon Flynn


    Superb building. Nice staff. Some nice pieces though it could have more. Still worth a visit without a doubt. Recommended.

  • A F

    A F


    Go on Wednesday free days. There is also a nice coffee. Worth visiting.

  • FR K

    FR K


    Always had a good time there. Interesting exhibitions for all and the cafe has a good vibe. The only thing I wish for is a nicer espresso that does not burn you. On the other hand the home made lemonade makes up partly for it.

  • Julia Del Rosso

    Julia Del Rosso


    Lovely space just to walk around in! The window space is so nice whether sunny or cloudy. The cafe area is very nice too! Would highly recommend.

la plus proche

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