Luxembourg National Museum of Natural History de Luxembourg

LuxembourgLuxembourg National Museum of Natural History



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25, Rue Münster, 2160, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 46 22 33 1
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.6098501, Longitude: 6.1355918

commentaires 5

  • Travel with Sansayt

    Travel with Sansayt


    very educational for kids and adults. not crowded.

  • Pauline Fontanaud

    Pauline Fontanaud


    Splendid museum. An amazing experience with our young kids. Lots of little learning/play stations. Our toddler had fun building a bird feeder that we brought back to Canada.

  • Sneaky Suzanne

    Sneaky Suzanne


    One of the most fun museums I've ever been too !! The place is clean , educational, not too crowded ( I went there on a Thursday afternoon ). It is also really interactive and takes not only children but teenagers and adults in account . There is truly no time to be bored !! Also , a BIG THUMBS UP to the staff who is fluent in many languages and greets you and is overall helpful and kind . I went to the Bird-themed exposition with my mum and we had a great time PS : the slide to exit was an exciting way to leave

  • frozen fire

    frozen fire


    Very educational for kids (and adults too). This museum has different themes children can learn from - outer space, animals, plants, dinosaurs. There is a great toy shop with toys of good variety.

  • Stefano Picco

    Stefano Picco


    Always a pleasure to visit this museum. Was my most visited one when I was a child and I still very much like to visit it as the exhibitions are usually quite interesting and the animals are also interesting to look at. They also do educational workshops for schools which is of great value

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