Piano Bar de Luxembourg

LuxembourgPiano Bar



🕗 horaire

12, Boulevard Royal, 2449, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 24 16 16 734
site web: www.piano-bar.lu
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.613671, Longitude: 6.126311

commentaires 5

  • Bakary Sylla

    Bakary Sylla


    If you're looking for a cosy place where to enjoy your cigar, do not look any further. The Bar also offers a wide range of rhum, bourbon and whisky to perfectly match the puro of the moment. The friendly crew will help you flipping through their wine selection. No moderation needed here, just pure joy and pleasure.

  • Jocelin Thomas

    Jocelin Thomas


    All waiters are trilingual, service is perfect: good knowledge of wine/cigars/cocktails. They know how to make you want to stay. Came here expecting to spend 30$, spent 200$ instead.

  • Lamanna Nicola

    Lamanna Nicola


    A very stylish bar with competent bartender. They have fantastic cocktails and a nice selection of fine whisky.

  • Nina Cheng

    Nina Cheng


    Wines are bit expensive but it’s a place that can make you feel relaxed.

  • Katie Griffis

    Katie Griffis


    It's a wonderful piano bar in Lux. The location is amazing and the cocktails are honestly the best I've had in the city. Definitely worth the visit. Get the gin martini or the pimms.

Bar la plus proche

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